Publications Related to Brainwave Analysis by Yasue Mitsukura (Chief Technology Officer)

感性に関する研究一般 General Topics

満倉靖恵, 関研一, 井上全人, 森田小百合, 西村秀和, "感性をリアルタイムで測り製品に生かす試み(“デライト”を科学する)", 設計工学, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 434-438, 2017年7月

満倉靖恵, "脳波のユビキタスセンシングによる官能評価", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 408-411, 弘前, 2012年9月

Yasue Mitsukura, "EEG Signal Processing for Real Applications", Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 1-7

Mana Negishi and Yasue Mitsukura, "Detection of KANSEI Value Trends Using the Electroencephalogram During Watching Memorable TV Commercials", Proc. of The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Limassol (Cyprus), Dec. 2016

マーケティング Marketing

野村知美, 満倉靖恵, "脳波を用いたテレビCM視聴者の無意識の心理変化抽出", 日経広告研究所報, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 24-31, 2015年8月

根岸真那, 満倉靖恵, "アンケート調査と脳波計測による記憶に残るテレビCMの特徴抽出", サービス学会第4回国内大会, pp. 305-310, 神戸, 2016年3月

木田茉由子, 満倉靖恵, "脳波を用いた記入しづらさの定量評価と可視化", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 954-959, 島根, 2014年9月

Tomomi Nomura and Yasue Mitsukura, "Evaluation approach for web form usability", Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 193-196, Jul. 2014

Mana Negishi and Yasue Mitsukura, "Feature Extract of Memorable Television Commercials Using the Electroencephalogram and the Questionnaire Surveys", Proc. of 2016 International Workshop on Computer Vision and Signal Processing (CVSP), Xi'an (China), Apr. 2016

Aiko Kishi and Yasue Mitsukura, "Finding out Elements of Direct Mail Designs that Influence Purchase Decision using Electroencephalogram and Eye-Tracking Information", Proc. of AAID 2017, Yokohama (Japan), Mar. 2017

Tomomi Nomura and Yasue Mitsukura, "Analytical Methods for Web Form Usability", Proc. of Proceedings of the 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), pp. 576-580, Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia), Jun. 2015

Tomomi Nomura and Yasue Mitsukura, "Detection of latent emotion using TV commercial evaluation", Proc. of Human System Interactions (HIS), pp. 309-315, Warsaw (Poland), Jun. 2015

Tomomi Nomura and Yasue Mitsukura, "Evaluation for impressions of picture books", Proc. of 2015 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'15), pp. 94-97, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Feb. 2015

Tomomi Nomura and Yasue Mitsukura, "Evaluation approach for web form usability", Proc. of 2014 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), pp. 578-581, Hawaii (USA), Mar. 2014 (Student Paper Award)

Mayuko Kida, Ryotaro Tashiro, Takeshi Ui, Mitsuru Suganuma, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Quantitative evaluation of difficulty to fill out application forms using EEG", Proc. of 2014 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), pp. 582-585, Hawaii (USA), Mar. 2014

Zhang Dou, Yuna Negishi, Tomoko Kohori, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Evaluation of human-interest in watching TV commercials by EEG", Proc. of 2011 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'11), pp. 123-126, Tianjin (China), Mar. 2011

集中 Concentration

叶賀卓, 満倉靖恵, "単極脳波信号を用いた子どもの集中状態判別", 電気学会論文誌C, Vol. 136, No. 8, pp. 1047-1055, 2016年8月

ストレス Stress

野村知美, 満倉靖恵, "脳波を用いた嗜好品によるストレス軽減効果の解析", AROMA RESEARCH, Vol. 15, No. 57, pp. 52-56, 2013年2月

後藤良太, 満倉靖恵, "VR動画視聴中のストレスと興味のセンシング及び変動を促す動画の作成", Vision Engineering Workshop 2016 (ViEW), pp. 193-198, 横浜, 2016年12月

奥住絵里, 満倉靖恵, "脳波による女性のストレス検出", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 539-541, 長崎, 2015年8月

野村知美, 満倉靖恵, "脳波を用いたストレス軽減効果の解析", 第23回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム (FAN2013), pp. 249-252, ST-13-077, 福岡, 2013年9月

嗅覚 The Sense of Smell

深井寛修, 満倉靖恵, "脳波を用いたにおいに対する嗜好抽出", AROMA RESERCH, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 56-61, 2012年11月

味覚 The Sense of Taste

満倉靖恵, 小杉亘, 岡田賢次, "脳波を用いた感性評価と味覚評価への適用", 計測自動制御学会 (SICE), 神奈川, 2016年5月

豊島紀樹, 満倉靖恵, "脳波および筋電による炭酸飲料のおいしさの定量評価", 知覚情報研究会, pp. 11-14, 横浜, 2016年10月

多和田敬介, 満倉靖恵, "脳波による味覚評価", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 1057-1060, 弘前, 2012年9月

遠藤真央香, 満倉靖恵, "近赤外分光法を用いた摂食により誘発される幸福感の可視化", 知覚情報研究会, pp. 1-4, 横浜, 2016年10月

多和田敬介, 満倉靖恵, "脳波を用いた食嗜好抽出", 2012 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal Processing (NSP 2012), p. 11, 徳島, 2012年9月

Maoka Endo, Suguru Kanoga, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Visualization of Happiness Elicited Taking a Food Using Near Infra-red Spectroscopy", Proc. of The 8th 2016 International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE16), pp. 380-383, Yogyakarta (Indonesia), Oct. 2016

Keisuke Tawada, Koji Toyama, Yutaka Ogawa, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Estimation of food appetites using EEG", Proc. of 2014 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), pp. 509-512, Hawaii (USA), Mar. 2014

Keisuke Tawada and Yasue Mitsukura, "Estimation of food preference using EEG", Proc. of MJIIT-JUC Joint Symposium 2012 (MJJS 2012), ESE-3:4, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Nov. 2012

Yuna Negishi, Tsukasa Nakamura, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Classification of beverage types using the EEG", Proc. of 2011 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'11), pp. 119-122, Tianjin (China), Mar. 2011

聴覚 The Sense of Hearing

木田茉由子, 満倉靖恵, "バイオセンシングを用いた楽曲聴取時の感性評価", 知覚情報研究会, pp. 7-8, PI-15-61, 東京, 2015年5月

根岸敦, 満倉靖恵, "Verification of the Auditory Pitch Feedback in Motor Imagery BCI", 瀬戸内信号処理研究会, 香川, 2015年9月

根岸敦, 満倉靖恵, "純音聴取時における脳波信号の聴取音周波数特異性解析", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 948-953, 島根, 2014年9月

西村公伸, 満倉靖恵, "脳波による音質評価システムのためのヒルベルト変換とSOMによる脳波特徴抽出の検討", 知覚情報研究会, pp. 93-98, PI-14-086, 神奈川, 2014年9月

高山慧, 満倉靖恵, "音声の周波数特性と脳波の相関関係取得に関する考察", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 1027-1030, 弘前, 2012年9月

Kiminobu Nishimura, Yasue Mitsukura, Yohei Tomita, and Akira Hara, "Construction of sound-quality-evaluating system using EEG and GMDH-type neural network", Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 151-154, Jul. 2013

Maoka Endo and Yasue Mitsukura, "Identification of Functional Activities in the Brain when Hearing Unpleasant Sounds using Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy", Proc. of AAID 2017, Yokohama (Japan), Mar. 2017

Masashi Matsuoka and Yasue Mitsukura, "Tinnitus Detection and Distress Estimation Using Prefrontal Cortex Electroencephalogram", Proc. of AAID 2017, Yokohama (Japan), Mar. 2017

Atsushi Negishi and Yasue Mitsukura, "EEG signal classification in listening to three pure tones composed of different frequency components", Proc. of 2015 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'15), pp. 29-32, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Feb. 2015

Mayuko Kida and Yasue Mitsukura, "Sensibility evaluation in listening to music by bio-sensing", Proc. of 2015 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'15), pp. 559-562, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Mar. 2015

Kiminobu Nishimura and Yasue Mitsukura, "Music quality evaluation system using bio-signal processing", Proc. of 11th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV2013), pp. 117-120, Fukuoka (Japan), May 2013

Kiminobu Nishimura and Yasue Mitsukura, "Sound quality indicating system using EEG and GMDH-type neural network", Proc. of Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2013), Kaohsiung (Taiwan), Oct. 2013

Kei Takayama and Yasue Mitsukura, "Tone separation by using EEG", Proc. of 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'13), pp. 568-571, Hawaii (USA), Mar. 2013

快適 Comfort

満倉靖恵, 中島瑞季, 橋本洋志, "サービス提供に対する脳波を用いた快適度の感性評価", サービス学会第3回国内大会, pp. 186-189, 金沢, 2015年4月

木田茉由子, 遠藤真央香, 満倉靖恵, "脳波を用いた心地よい環境の検出", 第20回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ, pp. 109-110, 東京, 2015年7月

豊島紀樹, 満倉靖恵, "筋電および脳波を用いた自転車の乗り心地評価のための一解析", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 560-565, 長崎, 2015年8月

武藤保貴, 藤大樹, 高尾浩二, 橋本隆次, 満倉靖恵, "生体信号を用いたトレール変更に基づく乗り心地変化の抽出", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 1011-1016, 弘前, 2012年9月

武藤保貴, 藤大樹, 満倉靖恵, "生体信号を用いた乗り物に対する感性評価のための特徴抽出", 第55回自動制御連合講演会, pp. 1286-1291, 京都, 2012年11月

野村知美, 満倉靖恵, "脳波を用いたリラックス効果の解析", 電気学会 情報処理・次世代産業システム合同研究会, pp. 25-29, IP-13-18/IIS-13-59, 徳島, 2013年3月

Yasuki Muto, Taiki Fuji, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Estimation of biological signal features indicating fiding comfort changes by trail variation", Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 143-146, Jul. 2013

Yohei Tomita, Yasue Mitsukura, Hironobu Fukai, Hirokazu Watai, Katsumi Tashiro, and Kazutomo Murakami, "Proposal of the extraction method of ride comfort by EEG", INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 939-948, Feb. 2012

Yohei Tomita, Hironobu Fukai, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Factor analysis for EEG response to ride quality", INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 593-600, Feb. 2011

Sunao Yamaguchi and Yasue Mitsukura, "Construction of Comfort Evaluation System for Streetscape Improvement Using Electroencephalogram", Proc. of The 8th 2016 International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE16), pp. 375-379, Yogyakarta (Indonesia), Oct. 2016

Shintaro Imai, Suguru Kanoga, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Biological Analysis for Transportation Seat Angle", Proc. of 2016 International Workshop on Computer Vision and Signal Processing (CVSP), Xi'an (China), Apr. 2016

Noriki Toyoshima, Suguru Kanouga, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Construction of Predictive Models for Bicycle Riding Comfort Evaluation using Electromyogram and Electroencephalogram", Proc. of 2016 IEEE 12th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & its Applications (CSPA), pp. 100-104, Melaka (Malaysia), Mar. 2016

Yasuki Muto, Taiki Fuji, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Estimation of biological signal features indicating riding comfort changes by trail variation", Proc. of 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'13), pp. 424-427, Hawaii (USA), Mar. 2013 (Student Paper Award)

Kei Takaoka, Taiki Fuji, Kouji Takao, Kazutomo Murakami, Takatsugu Hashimoto, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Evaluation method for riding comfort on bike using the biological signal", Proc. of 2012 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'12), pp. 437-440, Honolulu (USA), Mar. 2012

リラックス Relax

Tomomi Nomura and Yasue Mitsukura, "EEG-based evaluation method for relaxing effect", Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2013 (SICE 2013), pp. 2131-2135, Nagoya (Japan), Sep. 2013

没頭 Immersiveness

叶賀卓, 藤大樹, 満倉靖恵, "生体信号による没頭度解析", 第55回自動制御連合講演会, pp. 1265-1269, 京都, 2012年11月

Suguru Kanoga and Yasue Mitsukura, "Classification of EEG signals from nursery school children in an immersion or not in the feeling for portable applications", Proc. of 2015 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'15), pp. 555-558, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Mar. 2015

鎮静・睡眠 Calmness・Drowsiness

金城成浩, 満倉靖恵, "単極脳波計を用いた覚醒状態と睡眠状態の識別", 知覚情報研究会, pp. 5-6, PI-15-60, 東京, 2015年5月

Yohei Tomita, Yasue Mitsukura, Toshihisa Tanaka, and Jianting Cao, "Detection of driver dozing with high temporal resolution using instantaneous EEG features", Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 303-306, Jul. 2011

Yohei Tomita, Yasue Mitsukura, Toshihisa Tanaka, and Jianting Cao, "EEG frequency analysis for dozing detection system", Proc. of The 2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2010), pp. 1715-1718, Barcelona (Spain), Jul. 2010

Yohei Tomita, Yasue Mitsukura, Toshihisa Tanaka, and Jianting Cao, "A doze detection with high temporal resolution using instantaneous EEG features", Proc. of 2011 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'11), pp. 17-20, Tianjin (China), Mar. 2011 (Student Paper Award)

興味 Interest

豊島紀樹, 叶賀卓, 満倉靖恵, "複数の周波数解析手法を用いたこどもの興味推定モデルの比較", 第20回知能メカトロニクスワークショップ, pp. 160-163, 東京, 2015年7月

叶賀卓, 満倉靖恵, "脳波と進化型PLS法を用いた保育園児の興味・関心解析", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 938-943, 北見, 2013年9月

叶賀卓, 満倉靖恵, "単極脳波計を用いた保育園児の興味関心状態推定モデルの一考察", 第23回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム (FAN2013), pp. 243-248, ST-13-076, 福岡, 2013年9月

満倉靖恵, "脳波を用いたオンライン計測による興味の瞬時評価", 電気学会 情報処理・次世代産業システム合同研究会, pp. 1-6, 会津若松, 2012年8月

満倉靖恵, "生体信号を用いた感性評価およびオンライン計測による興味度合いの瞬時評価", 2012 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal Processing (NSP 2012), pp. 5-10, 徳島, 2012年9月

Suguru Kanoga and Yasue Mitsukura, "Construction of interest prediction models for nursery school child using a single-channel electroencephalograph", Proc. of 2013 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process & Control (ICSPC 2013), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Dec. 2013 (Certificate of Best Presenter)

Mikito Ogino, Yasue Mitsukura, Saori Morishita, and Toshitaka Kamiya, "Extracting interest using EEG and development of recording device", Proc. of 2014 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), pp. 337-340, Hawaii (USA), Mar. 2014

Suguru Kanoga and Yasue Mitsukura, "GA-SVM for pattern recognition of single-channel electroencephalographic recordings from nursery school child under resting and feeling interest states", Proc. of 2014 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'14), pp. 665-668, Hawaii (USA), Mar. 2014

Yuna Negishi, Zhang Dou, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Estimation system for human-interest degree while watching TV commercials using EEG", Proc. of 17th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2011), pp. 46-53, Shanghai (China), Nov. 2011

Yuna Negishi, Zhang Dou, and Yasue Mitsukura, "EEG feature extraction for quantification of human-interest", Proc. of 2012 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'12), pp. 265-268, Honolulu (USA), Mar. 2012

好き Like

Hironobu Fukai, Yohei Tomita, and Yasue Mitsukura, "A Design of tne preference acquisition detection system using the EEG", Journal of Information Systems Science PG, pp. 19-25, Feb. 2013

Keisuke Tawada and Yasue Mitsukura, "Preference recognition system using EEG", Proc. of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2012), D-T3-06, Sapporo (Japan), Jul. 2012

Yuna Negishi, Yasue Mitsukura, Hironobu Fukai, and Yohei Tomita, "A design of the preference acquisition detection system using the EEG", Proc. of the 12th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC 2012), Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mar. 2012 (appendix)

疲労 Tiredness

冨田洋平, 満倉靖恵, "疲労状態における脳波の周波数特徴", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 702-705, 熊本, 2010年9月

三上卓也, 根岸佑奈, 冨田洋平, 満倉靖恵, 七夕高也, 古川直広, "脳波による興味関心度・疲労測定", 日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会 2010年度 秋季全国大会, pp. 59-62, 千葉, 2010年11月

美容・生理 Beauty・Physiology

満倉靖恵, 奥住絵里, 寺岡裕美, 石川浩樹, "アンチエイジングのための脳波計測とホルモン解析", 知覚情報研究会 アンチエイジングのセンシング技術, pp. 17-20, 富山, 2017年1月

奥住絵里, 満倉靖恵, "簡易脳波計を用いた脳波による月経周期に伴うホルモン濃度変動の時系列解析", 知覚情報研究会, pp. 5-10, 横浜, 2016年10月

神埼晶, 満倉靖恵, 高山慧, 大石直樹, 山田浩之, 稲垣洋三, 小島敬史, 若林聡子、平架良彦、渡部高久、細谷誠、小川郁, "耳鳴りに対する客観的検査機器の開発", 日本聴覚学会(Audiology Japan), Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 69-74, 2015年2月

鍵田潤一郎, 満倉靖恵, "簡易脳波計を用いた脳波による疼痛有無の識別", 第11回コンピューテーショナル・インテリジェンス研究会, 大津, 2017年6月

山田早紀, 満倉靖恵, "簡易脳波計による概日リズムの検出", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 416-420, 神戸, 2016年8月

奥住絵里, 満倉靖恵, "脳波を用いた女性の体のバイオリズムおよび不具合の検出", 瀬戸内信号処理研究会, 香川, 2015年9月

Saki Yamada and Yasue Mitsukura, "Detection of Circadian Rhythms using Simple EEG device", Proc. of MECATRONICS - REM 2016, pp. 170-173, Compiegne (France), Jun. 2016

VR Virtual Reality

後藤良太, 満倉靖恵, "VR空間における脳波を用いた快適性の検出", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 427-430, 神戸, 2016年8月

Ryota Gotoh and Yasue Mitsukura, "EEG Interface to a Virtual Reality Environment using Single-Channel Typed Device", Proc. of 2016 International Workshop on Computer Vision and Signal Processing (CVSP), Xi'an (China), Apr. 2016 (The Best Poster Presentation Award)

その他 Others Related to Brainwave Analysis

叶賀卓, 満倉靖恵, "単極脳波解析のための瞬きアーチファクト除去手法の提案", 瀬戸内信号処理研究会, 香川, 2015年9月

叶賀卓, 満倉靖恵, "単極脳波信号を用いたトランプゲーム中の子どもの喜怒哀楽予測モデル構築", 知覚情報研究会, pp. 117-120, PI-14-091, 神奈川, 2014年9月

荻野幹人, 満倉靖恵, "スマートフォンを用いた脳波解析システムの構築", 知覚情報研究会, pp. 13-16, PI-13-10, 東京, 2013年4月

荻野幹人, 満倉靖恵, "ユビキタスセンシングを用いた生体信号解析の一手法", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 1061-1064, 弘前, 2012年9月

Suguru Kanoga, Masaki Nakanishi, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Assessing the Effects of Voluntary and Involuntary Eyeblinks in Independent Components of Electroencephalogram", Neurocomputing, Vol. 193, pp. 20-32, Jun. 2016

Suguru Kanoga, Masaki Nakanishi, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Assessing the Effects of Voluntary and Involuntary Eyeblinks in Independent Components of Electroencephalogram", Journal of Neurocomputing (Elsevier)

Yohei Tomita, Francois-Benoit Vialatte, G´erard Dreyfus, Yasue Mitsukura, Hovagim Bakardjian, and Andrzej Cichocki, "Bimodal BCI using simultaneously NIRS and EEG", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 1274-1284, Apr. 2014

Masaki Nakanishi, Yijun Wang, Yu-Te Wang, Yasue Mitsukura, and Tzyy-Ping Jung, "A high-speed brain speller using steady-state visual evoked potentials", International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 24, No. 6, 140019, Jun. 2014

Suguru Kanoga and Yasue Mitsukura, "Eye-blink artifact rejection using 2-step Non-negative Matrix Factorization for single-channel electroencephalographic signals", Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 251-257, Sep. 2014

Keisuke Tawada and Yasue Mitsukura, "Optimal sensor selection for single-trial P300 brain-computer interface", Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 311-314, Jul. 2012

Shin-ichi Ito, Yasue Mitsukura, and Minoru Fukumi, "Study on model for predicting the intra-individual difference in left prefrontal pole electroencephalogram variability and its evaluation", Electronics and Communications in Japan, Vol. 94, No. 5, pp. 9-16, May 2011

Tsukasa Nakamura, Yohei Tomita, and Yasue Mitsukura, "A method of obtaining sense of touch by using EEG", INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 621-632, Feb. 2011

Eri Okuzumi and Yasue Mitsukura, "Detection of Luteal Phase in Menstrual Cycle from Changing Sensitivity using Simple Electroencephalogram Device", Proc. of 2016 International Workshop on Computer Vision and Signal Processing (CVSP), Xi'an (China), Apr. 2016

Suguru Kanoga and Yasue Mitsukura, "Eye Blink Artifact Rejection in Single-Channel Electroencephalographic Signals by Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Independent Component Analysis", Proc. of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 121-124, Milan (Italy), Aug. 2015

Suguru Kanoga and Yasue Mitsukura, "An eye blinking artifact rejection method using single-channel electroencephalographic signals and 2 step non-negative matrix factorization", Proc. of Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (ADCONIP), Hiroshima (Japan), May 2014

Masaki Nakanishi, Yijun Wang, Yu-Te Wang, Yasue Mitsukura, and Tzyy-Ping Jung, "Enhancing unsupervised canonical correlation analysis-based frequency detection of SSVEPs by incorporating background EEG", Proc. of The 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2014), pp. 3053-3056, Chicago (America), Aug. 2014

Yohei Tomita and Yasue Mitsukura, "Simultaneous analysis of NIRS and EEG signals for BCI", Proc. of Human System Interaction Conference (HSI 2013), Gdansk (Poland), Jun. 2013 (The Best Paper Award)

Masaki Nakanishi, Yijun Wang, Yu-Te Wang, Yasue Mitsukura, and Tzyy-Ping Jung, "An approximation approach for rendering visual flickers in SSVEP-based BCI using monitor refresh rate", Proc. of 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS (IEEE EMBC), pp. 2176-2179, Osaka (Japan), Jul. 2013

Masaki Nakanishi, Yasue Mitsukura, Yijun Wang, Yu-Te Wang, and Tzyy-Ping Jung, "Online voluntary eye blink detection using electrooculogram", Proc. of 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2012), pp. 114-117, Majorca (Spain), Oct. 2012

Masaki Nakanishi and Yasue Mitsukura, "Wheelchair control system using electrooculogram signal processing", Proc. of the 19th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV 2013), pp. 137-142, Incheon (Korea), Jan. 2013

Mikito Ogino and Yasue Mitsukura, "EEG analysis using smartphone", Proc. of 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'13), pp. 492-495, Hawaii (USA), Mar. 2013

Keisuke Tawada and Yasue Mitsukura, "Optimal sensor selection for single-trial P300 brain-computer interface", Proc. of 2012 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'12), pp. 575-578, Honolulu (USA), Mar. 2012 (Student Paper Award)

Masaki Nakanishi and Yasue Mitsukura, "Periodicity detection for BCI based on periodic code modulation visual evoked potentials", Proc. of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2012), pp. 665-668, Kyoto (Japan), Mar. 2012

Hiroshi Higashi, Toshihisa Tanaka, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Rhythmic component extraction considering phase alignment and the application to motor imagery-based brain computer interfacing", Proc. of The 2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2010), pp. 3508-3513, Barcelona (Spain), Jul. 2010

脈波・筋電・心電等 Pulse Wave・Electromyogram・Electrocardiograph

冨田洋平, 満倉靖恵, "脈波計測イヤホンの開発と応用", 電気学会論文誌C, Vol. 137, No. 2, pp. 236-241, 2017年2月

遠藤真央香, 満倉靖恵, "近赤外分光法を用いた不快音聴取時における脳機能活性箇所の特定", 第11回コンピューテーショナル・インテリジェンス研究会, 大津, 2017年6月

叶賀卓, 満倉靖恵, "ウェアラブルデバイスを用いた筋電位ベース遠隔操作システム構築のための上肢動作識別", ライフサポート学会大会, pp. 168-171, 仙台, 2016年9月

満倉靖恵, "生体信号のユビキタスセンシングと意味抽出および実利用化", 計測自動制御学会, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 605-610, 2014年7月

木田茉由子, 満倉靖恵, " 心電図を用いた音楽聴取時における感性評価 ", 知覚情報研究会, pp. 121-124, PI-14-092, 神奈川, 2014年9月

叶賀卓, 満倉靖恵, "等張性運動時の脳波と筋電の干渉性を用いた意図と行為の関係解析", 知覚情報研究会, pp. 1-6, PI-13-8, 東京, 2013年4月

中西正樹, 満倉靖恵, "周期的符号変調刺激により誘発された視覚誘発電位の解析", 第56回自動制御連合講演会, pp. 524-527, 新潟, 2013年11月

多和田敬介, 満倉靖恵, "電極位置選択による単一試行脳波に含まれるP300の検出精度向上", 第86回パターン計測部会研究会, pp. 7-12, 横浜, 2012年4月

叶賀卓, 藤大樹, 満倉靖恵, "運動時の筋電と脳波の相関取得", 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, pp. 1035-1039, 弘前, 2012年9月

中西正樹, 満倉靖恵, "眼電位を用いた随意性瞬目検出手法と電動車椅子操作への応用", 2012 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal Processing (NSP 2012), p. 12, 徳島, 2012年9月

多和田敬介, 満倉靖恵, 浜田望, "単一試行脳波を用いたP300スペラーにおける適切な電極選択", スマートインフォメディアシステム研究会, pp. 21-24, SIS2011-57, 東京, 2012年3月

aMaoka Endo, Suguru Kanoga, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Visualization of Brain Functional Activities on the Feeling Happiness using Near Infrared Spectroscopy", Proc. of 2016 International Workshop on Computer Vision and Signal Processing (CVSP), Xi'an (China), Apr. 2016

Philemon Roussel, Atsushi Negishi, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Presentation of an SMR-Based BCI Using Auditory Feedback Based on Pitch", Proc. of MECATRONICS - REM 2016, pp. 174-177, Compiegne (France), Jun. 2016

Suguru Kanoga and Yasue Mitsukura, "ICA-Based Positive Semidefinite Matrix Templates for Eye-Blink Artifact Removal from EEG Signal with Single-Electrode", Proc. of Proceedings of the 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), pp. 1535-1540, Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia), Jun. 2015

Satoru Suzuki, Yohei Tomita, and Yasue Mitsukura, "Stress and Drowsiness Evaluation BBased on Earbud-Type Photoplethysmographic Sensor", Proc. of Proceedings of the 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), pp. 2878-2883, Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia), Jun. 2015

Suguru Kanouga and Yasue Mitsukura, "Analysis of relationship between intention and behavior using EEG-EMG coherence during isotonic exercise", Proc. of 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'13), pp. 604-607, Hawaii (USA), Mar. 2013


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